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More of Our Services we offer

Parth International Ltd believes in managing a great variety of tasks effectively while executing client assignments. Behind this we go an extra mile to provide special treatment according to the individual needs. These include:

  • Costing and Pricing
  • Market
  • Market Positioning


Uganda is a potential strategic trade hub for the East African Community (EAC) and Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) trading blocs if it acts quickly to build and develop its logistics Industry. The country is a link to the resurgent lucrative markets in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Rwanda and the Southern Sudan. This positioning is significant if Uganda urgently deploys resources to develop its logistics industry.

Market Positioning

Our position in the market is Quality, professional and timely service delivery. Our customers remain loyal to our services which continue to provide leadership in their respective categories in terms of perception and user benefits.

Costing and Pricing

Our pricing and costing is very competitive. Our competitive strategy is based on Product differentiation and cost. Our strict adherence to high quality standards in our services has made it possible for us to maintain our position in the market as a company that can be relied on. Our team are willing to provide you with details on pricing and costing depending on your particular needs.